<% '#2 Above 3 lines required by SSWWebTemplate.aspx ver 1 %> Adam Cogan - About MeXX
  1. New web pages are to be consistent with the SSW Template. All new pages must also abide by the rules set out in SSW Rules to Better Websites.

  2. Please also read the standard on SSW Branding before you create a new page...

  3. Sample Heading to look like this

  4. You should acknowledge any contributers in accordance with standard convention. If you are quoting another author directly you should use direct quotes - for example: As Cameron Shaw says in the SSW Web Template "You should acknowledge any contributers". OR, if you are just referring to another persons idea don't quote the author directly, but mention that it is his idea - for example: Adam Cogan recommends on his site (www.ssw.com.au) that every coding company should have a series of rules and standards that every developer must adhere to." Following this standard will ensure we don't get accused of plagiarism.

  5. Finally if you are not sure then see www.w3.org

  6. Acknowledgements

    Always acknowledge your work.